Les prédictions de CA Technologies en ce qui concerne l’IAM en 2016

Comme tous les ans, les experts de CA technologies fournissent leurs prédictions sur la marché IAM. Force est de constater que leur prédiction 2015 n’étaient pas si mauvaises, donc il semble intéressant de de regarder attentivement les prédictions 2016…

Le WebCast proposant les prédictions 2016 est accessible ici: https://www.brighttalk.com/webcast/7845/171013/ca-briefings-part-5-the-rise-of-the-user-security-predictions-for-2016

Le blog de CA Technologies propose un condensé de cette présentation en quelques paragraphes: [ source: https://blogs.ca.com/2016/01/05/five-identity-centric-security-predictions-for-2016/ ]

What’s ahead in 2016

For 2016, CA Technologies predicts the following five trends will emerge and have the greatest impact on security professionals dealing in identity this year.

  • Identity services will be used by increasing numbers of business users, as the function moves from IT to the Business.  This will require improvements in the user experience so that it is more intuitive and business-oriented. This will begin to result in improved engagement with customers and business users, as well as reduced risk.
  • Breach attack surfaces increase and the ramifications of a successful breach extend beyond financial loss. Increased reliance on DevOps/Agile development and virtual/cloud technologies opens new attack vectors, while cybercrime shifts to cyberespionage, threatening homeland security and opening the potential for cyberterrorism attempts.
  • Risk analytics moves from financial sector to the enterprise. As enterprises struggle to identify consumers from identity thieves using just a password for authentication, they will turn to risk-based analytics to protect their Internet sites and mobile applications.
  • As identity and access security and management (IAM) become more strategic to the business, there will be an increase in demand for IAM expertise in 2016. A greater focus on privileged identities, identities extending to the cloud, and third-party identities incorporated into the security framework makes the security challenge around identities more complex.
  • As the Internet of Things permeates the marketplace, it is increasingly clear it must become identity-centric. IoT will also stand for “identity” of things. As information passes across the internet and is stored on these IoT devices, they need to be confirmed and trusted just as a person’s identity needs authenticating.

Les points 3 et 4 sont pour moi très importants. Même si il s’agit d’un « vendor », le Webcast est extrêmement intéressant à regarder pour des spécialistes IAM qui veulent aller plus loin que la simple partie technique et qu’ils veulent comprendre un certain nombre d’enjeux business liés à l’IAM.


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